The Renaissance of Islamic Learning and Leadership
Become a Mujaddid!
The Renaissance of Islamic Learning and Leadership
Become a Mujaddid!
The Renaissance of Islamic Learning and Leadership
Become a Mujaddid!
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The Renaissance of Islamic Learning and Leadership
Become a Mujaddid!
The Renaissance of Islamic Learning and Leadership
Become a Mujaddid!
The Renaissance of Islamic Learning and Leadership
Become a Mujaddid!
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Project Tajdeed

Tajdeed Seminary is the embodiment of the education envisioned by Project Tajdeed; a movement to train the next generation of Mujaddideen (Revivalists). A group of enlightened luminaries who will dedicate their lives to re-root this Ummah in the pristine truth of its heritage; return to this religion its initial purity and strength; who will be the Furqan between the forces of Truth and Falsehood; who will revive for the Ummah its Deen in all its glory.

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  1. Introduction to the Arabic Essentials Foundation programme.
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Tajdeed Seminary is the embodiment of the education envisioned by Project Tajdeed; a movement to train the next generation of Mujaddideen (Revivalists). A group of enlightened luminaries who will dedicate their lives to re-root this Ummah in the pristine truth of its heritage; return to this religion its initial purity and strength; who will be the Furqan between the forces of Truth and Falsehood; who will revive for the Ummah its Deen in all its glory.



Ustaadh Harris studied Mathematics at an undergraduate level in the UK, Studied short courses in Philosophy and political science at the University of Oxford and regularly attended University of Cambridge amongst other top universities for open lectures in many fields such as economics, psychology, religion, theology amongst other sciences delivered by the leading researchers of the world. He is academically fluent in 4 languages and is literate in another 4 languages including Farsi and Hebrew. He also read widely in the field of Dawah, Christianity and comparative religion in general. He actively gave Dawah in his town of Bedford, and later Manchester, an experience which made him realise that He had to seek islamic knowledge systematically. With this in mind he left the UK for Pakistan and studied for the Alimiyyah programme at Jamia As-Salafiyyah, Faisalabad, Pakistan, and received multiple Ijazaat Ar-Riwayah in Hadith from some of the most senior Ulama in the country. Thereafter, he memorised the Quran and specialised in the sciences of the Arabic language and Tafsir. He travelled extensively around the country and studied at many top seats of knowledge in the country and benefitted from the most senior Ulama. He has also benefitted and continues to benefit from the Arab Ulama in the fields of Lughah and Tajweed. He is a full-time professor at Jamia Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, Lahore, Pakistan. He continues to learn and develop everyday and wishes to do so until he meets his Rabb.


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"I honestly could not believe what I was reading, Allahu Akbar. Everything Ustadh Harris had written were thoughts that had often crossed my mind myself, and the aims of the seminary were all things that I had hoped one day I could be a part of Alhamdulilah"
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Jonathan Doe
“Pulvinar dui vitae enim, diam et nulla elit nam leo lacinia et, a, pulvinar gravida enim in blandit mauris vitae volutpat urna, sed justo hendrerit.”
Mike Edward